After the success of our previous schedulers, we have again created a spreadsheet scheduler for Il Cinema Ritrovato 2024 (38th edition) - the full programme in a spreadsheet with a scheduling tool!
Launched today, 11th June, to give you plenty of time before the festival booking opens tomorrow, you can plan out your screenings and (hopefully!) avoid any stressful clashes - the spreadsheet will calculate whether you can make it to the next screening in time. Where at all possible to know, we've allowed for introductions in our timings - so if Napoleon's runtime seems even longer than you thought, that's why.
We are unaffiliated with the festival and this is an entirely independent endeavour. If you love the scheduler please:
Share this post and tag us on Twitter @rep_cinema
Ask the festival coordinators to make this a permanent fixture or get in touch if you'd like to collaborate
Consider supporting us through our Ko-fi page
Please share this blogpost rather than the sheet directly, so that your friends have access to the instructions below. Above all else, have a splendid festival!
Many thanks to Mosa Mpetha and Elliot Newton for helping to check for errors.
To setup your scheduler:
Click ‘File’ and ‘Make a Copy’
To add a film to ‘My Schedule': from the Ritrovato 2024 tab tick/check the ‘Add’ box ✅ (in column K) and the film will automatically appear after a brief moment.
If you find you have a clash on ‘My Schedule’, or have changed your mind, check the ‘Leftovers’ ✅ box and it will go to the ‘Leftovers’ sheet. You can also delete the entire row if you need to.
Spreadsheet rules:
Don't change the name of the tabs
Don't tick films in very quick succession, or the script might not catch everything (we know it's exciting!)
The very first time you add a film, the script may take a few seconds to work
Tabs in the sheet:

Ritrovato 2024 - full film schedule
My Schedule - contains optional columns for:
Ticket # - In previous years, the ticketing emails don't have the film title in the email subject, so you can make a note of it here if it helps
Live music screenings
On film screenings
Leftovers (the ones that got away)
Why spreadsheets when there's a programme? Spreadsheets allow for visually clear and filterable data and can be duplicated easily so the user can keep or edit their own version - this is useful to most people, but especially those that use screen readers, have visual processing disorders or ADHD.
For support, or if you would like a similar scheduler for your film festival, email or tweet at @rep_cinema
© 2024
Thanks for all your work, great,
This year i found lots of mistakes My Schedule Tab (Cinema Ritrovato):
After add and/or selected films dont appear or appear without check box!
Some appears that i never selected
Some repeated several times
The screenings at Auditorium DAMSLAB not on the lists.
Thank you all for you great work, and attention,
Best regards,
Pedro Lã